Episode #36 – Retargeting Strategy 3 Going from Facebook Live to Facebook Sold HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Episode #36 -
Going from Facebook Live to Facebook Sold


Here is the third retargeting strategy I have shared and this might be the easiest.

I would love to tell you I think all this up so I could take full credit but really most of the strategies are ones I have come up with through countless hours of reading, watching and listening other Facebook ads and media buying experts.

My goal is to make it simple and give it you so you can implement it quickly without getting stressed out.

This strategy just involves either taking existing Facebook Live videos or running a new Facebook video ad to some original content and then retargeting those that watch at least 50% of the video(s).

Don’t overthink the video or the process. Just implement it!

Because I know the setup of this is often what is confusing I have created a short video that you can access by going here:


If you need help or have questions regarding Facebook ads then join my closed group:


Episode 36 Transcription

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