Episode #37 – Should you only show Facebook ads on certain days and times?

Episode #37 -

Should you only show Facebook ads on certain days and times?

For most businesses, their ideal customer has certain days and/or times they are most likely to be on Facebook.

On this episode, I answer whether you should ‘daypart’ your Facebook ads so that they only show at certain times.

Note that dayparting is a more advanced technique and is NOT necessary for almost everybody.

Facebook has an amazing algorithm and will do its best to optimize your ads regardless.

However, if you decide you want to try dayparting then you’ll want to listen to this and learn about lifetime budgets.

Lifetime budgets can help you optimize your ads more efficiently and without making it as complicated as dayparting.

Really hope you enjoy this episode and you can access a short video tutorial about lifetime budgets by going here:

If you need help or have questions regarding Facebook ads then join my closed group:


Episode 37 Transcription

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