Episode #28 – Retargeting Strategy 1 – ‘Dang, they’re everywhere’ method

Episode #28 – Retargeting Strategy 1 –
‘Dang, they’re everywhere’ method

Retargeting! I hear it all the time.

You got to be retargeting.
What I hear very little of is the strategy.

There are several retargeting strategies and on this episode, I’m going to cover what I call the - ‘Dang, they’re everywhere’ method.

As you might have guessed this method is intended to make you an automatic celebrity.

We do this by running ads containing testimonials and case studies or other social proof about your amazing products, services or how awesome you are.

I’m going to cover the ins and outs of this strategy.

WARNING: To make this work you really have to retarget both on and off of Facebook.

You can just retarget on Facebook which will be effective but not quite as effective.

This is an advanced technique but at some point, you’re gonna want to have this in your arsenal.

If you need help or have questions regarding Facebook ads then join my closed group:


Episode 28 Transcription

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